Why Choose GN’s 4 Panel Shale Shaker for Solids Control

Shale shaker is a type of very common drilling mud solids control in all kinds of drilling projects. As a leading manufacturer of solids control equipment, GN could provide the shale shaker and other mud recycling equipment for oil gas drilling, horizontal directional drilling, water well drilling, tunneling and piling projects. The capacities of GN’s … Читать далее «Why Choose GN’s 4 Panel Shale Shaker for Solids Control»

GN Drilling Mud Recycling System Ready for Shipment to Domestic Client

There is one set of drilling mud recycling system is under final assembling in GN Company‘s work plant, and would be ready for shipment soon. This Drilling Mud Recycling System mainly includes equipment as follow, Shale Shaker, De-sander, Pump, Pipeline, Accessories, etc. The shale shaker is used to remove coarse solids, with size more than … Читать далее «GN Drilling Mud Recycling System Ready for Shipment to Domestic Client»

GN Supplied Solids Control System for Chinese Client’s Drilling Project

There is one Complete Solids Control System for Drilling Rig is under final assembling in GN’s work plant, and would be shipped to client’s work site soon. The system includes 4 modules as below, Two Units of Shale Shaker (removing solids with size more than 100um) One Unit of De-sander (removing solids with size more … Читать далее «GN Supplied Solids Control System for Chinese Client’s Drilling Project»

GN Solids Control Will Exhibit at 2019 ADIPEC in ABU DHABI

GN Solids Control would attend ABU DHABI International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, dated on November 11-14th, 2019, with booth’s No. 10514. GN Solids Control is a professional manufacturer of Solids Control equipment for 11 years, including Decanter Centrifuge, Shale Shaker, Mud Cleaner, Shale Shake Screen, Vertical Cuttings Drier, Centrifugal Pump, etc. GN Company supplied about … Читать далее «GN Solids Control Will Exhibit at 2019 ADIPEC in ABU DHABI»

GN Supplied Mud Recycling Plants for Asian Client’s Piling Project

Recently GN Company finished production for 8 sets of Mud Recycling Plants, and would arrange final delivery to client’s work site. GN Mud Recycling Plant is widely used for Bored Piling, TBM, HDD (trenchless), and water well drilling etc., with working capability ranges from 50~3000m3/h. The Mud Recycling Plant mainly includes Double Mud Shaker, Desander/Desilter, … Читать далее «GN Supplied Mud Recycling Plants for Asian Client’s Piling Project»