The decanter centrifuge made by GN Solids Control

Decanter Centrifuge is the final stage equipment inside a complete solids control system. After being released from the desilter or perhaps a mud cleaner, drilling mud is going to be pumped into decanter centrifuge with a screw pump. A decanter centrifuge normally can separate solids having a diameter between two to seven microns out.  Regarding … Читать далее «The decanter centrifuge made by GN Solids Control»

GN Drilling Waste Management System for Nabors Industries Project

Hebei GN Solids Control is a top and first API certified solids control company in China. She is an expert of solids control system for oil and gas drilling and mud system for HDD drilling, Tunneling, and Geothermal drilling and so on. Besides solids control system and mud system, GN solids control is also qualified … Читать далее «GN Drilling Waste Management System for Nabors Industries Project»

The Mud Gun’s Working Principle

Solids control service providers all over the world are common use the rectangular drilling fluid circulating tank for the reason that installation and migration performance of the system is very effective. At the same time, it doesn’t matter how good the mud agitator perform in excellent situation, the drilling fluid tank have the ability to … Читать далее «The Mud Gun’s Working Principle»

Mud Cleaning System and Equipment

mud system is primarily used for oil & gas drilling fluids circulation, horizontal directional drilling ( HDD ) fluids recycling, underground drilling mud recycling, geothermal drilling, dredged fluids or slurry separation, mining, coal exploration drilling, water well drilling and more. Solid phase in solids control, can be divided into two categories according to its functions. … Читать далее «Mud Cleaning System and Equipment»

Standard GN OBM Waste Management Systems for South Asia

Not too long ago, GN production department is busy with drilling waste management systems, mainly because very same orders come from distinctive regions of planet, 1 after yet another. The 3 OBM waste management systems are respectively for Asia, West Africa and Middle East. This can be a typical method with GNCD930C vertical cutting dryer, … Читать далее «Standard GN OBM Waste Management Systems for South Asia»