Higher Environment Standard for Oil & Gas Waste Management

Although the price for crude oil is dropping form an extremely high place to anunexpected low place, the global demand for the oil never ceases. But as longas the drilling projects are done everywhere in the world, the environment effects are shown more and more clearly. Now more and more countries are issuing laws and … Читать далее «Higher Environment Standard for Oil & Gas Waste Management»

GN Decanter Centrifuge to Africa Customer

As an expert in solids control equipment andsystem, GN solids control manufactures and exports a complete set of solids control equipment and system including shale shaker, desander, and desilter and decanter centrifuge. At the beginning of this year, GN solids control received a repeated order that a customer with which GN has cooperated for more … Читать далее «GN Decanter Centrifuge to Africa Customer»

GN has been ready for the slower grow of oil in 2015

Based on the latest news through the agency of international energy, producing oil has a tiny bit growth in comparison with the former estimate, since the economy of the world is still suffering a really weak growth. Also it appears the OPEC (Organization of Oil Conveying Nations)unwilling to give belief about the growing yield of … Читать далее «GN has been ready for the slower grow of oil in 2015»

Drilling cuttings decanter centrifuge at the jobsite

GN solids control already offered over 250 models drilling cuttings decanter centrifuge around the world, here is a photo of GNLW363VFD decanter centrifuge at the jobsite. Besides of the decanter centrifuge, this client also utilized our screw conveyor to gather the drilling cuttings and transfer them. Screw conveyor is specifically utilized for drilling cuttings moving … Читать далее «Drilling cuttings decanter centrifuge at the jobsite»

Maintaining a GN Decanter Centrifuge

Now many drilling industries of solid control plus some other fields are utilizing increasingly more decanter centrifuges because of the superb performances of these. So it’s quite vital that you know some repair understanding to keep the decanter centrifuge inside a good shape. As everyone knows, when we may take proper care of the device … Читать далее «Maintaining a GN Decanter Centrifuge»