Q/A for GNLW Series Decanter Centrifuges

GN Solids Control, as the first API certified solids control manufacturer in China and also the leading oil and gas centrifuge producer, has a full range of centrifuge models from the 9 inch diameter bowl baby centrifuge to the 30 inch diameter bowl giant centrifuge. Each year, GN produces more than 150 sets centrifuges of different sizes and GN equipment like shale shakers, shaker screens and decanter centrifuges are sold to more than 70 countries or regions in the world.

About GN Solids Control

GNLW centrifuge jobsite picture

This Q/A are giving more information for choosing and getting a more comprehensive information of GN Centrifuges.
1. Why there are VFD for decanter centrifuge and also fixed speed available?
VFD control panel helps the operators to adjust the speed, the differential speed and other main parameters of centrifuge to get a suitable separating result. In drilling cuttings or drilling fluid waste management conditions, when the material condition is not stable, it is necessary to use a VFD one. But in case of solids control system of a drilling rig, when the mud condition is stable, a fixed speed control panel here is more economic, cause it requests less maintenance and easier operating. Take GNLW363CG for example, even the fixed speed one, GN could provide pulley and belt for an extra common speed.
2. What’s the main difference between the high speed decanter centrifuge and a middle speed decanter centrifuge? The rotating speed of centrifuge determines the cutting point the centrifuge could treat out, for example the GNLW452C decanter centrifuge, with a typical speed at 1800RPM is mainly used in a solids control system for barite recovery, the cutting point is 5 to 7 microns, while the GNLW453C-VFD with a typical speed of 3000RPM, which is a high speed one, cutting point is 2-5 microns.
3. What’s the difference between longer centrifuge and shorter centrifuge? The length diameter ratio is an important factor of a centrifuge. The longer centrifuge is a centrifuge with a larger length diameter ratio. The bigger this value is, the longer time material stays in centrifuge, then the dryer separating result you could get.
For more information, welcome to visit GN website of contact GN sales directly.

GN Vacuum Pump, a Powerful Pump for Solids Transferring

When talking about an efficient waste management system especially a drilling cuttings treatment proposal, people always pay much time in treating result and capacity of decanter centrifuges and vertical cuttings dryers. Of course those core equipment are important. But a feeding pump, if it is a failure, it could become the bottle neck for the complete system.


GN Vacuum Pump successfully solved this problem at a reasonable cost. Vacuum pump is also regarded as solids transfer pump. As nearly all pumps employed in oil and gas industry, a pump has a request for liquidity of material to be transferred, but it could handle a material with solids content up to 80%. ( For pure solids, better a belt conveyor or at least screw conveyer are recommended.) And it could serve for a long distance transferring, like the recommended distance from inlet is up to 50 meters while the discharge port could be located up to 100 meters away from the pump.

GN Vacuum Pump Working Video
What material could a vacuum pump handle?
It is born for tough conditions including but not limited to following applications:
1. The drilling cuttings discharged from shale shaker, mud cleaner and decanter centrifuges.
2. Drilling mud transferring including the feeding of new mud and the drilling fluids after some treatments.
3. Cleaning the mud pit by pumping from pit bottom.
4. Tank cleaning works and tank bottom residual removal.
5. Cleaning for the bottom of barge and vessels.
6. Transferring material from silos and bulk tanks.
7. Animal waste and other waste
8. Oily sludge or slurry separation projects.

GN Vacuum pump has following features:
1. It is completely air operation, which means it need an air compressor to work together
2. It is safe and explosive proof, suitable for the Zone 1 requests.
3. There is no moving parts inside the vacuum tank.
4. Depending on jobsite condition, operator can choose a fixed one or a mobile one with wheels.
Welcome to contact GN sales team directly for more information.

GN Big Bowl Centrifuge Working With Large Capacity

Since early this year in CIPPE Beijing, GN Solids Control firstly showed its big bowl decanter centrifuge GNLW764-VFD, the super bowl decanter centrifuge with a diameter of up to 30 inches, this centrifuge model got lots of attentions from the end users, especially from the construction work and piling projects. The large capacity and excellent performance is exactly what they want.

30 inch bowl diameter GN centrifuge

The big bowl centrifuge GNLW764-VFD has following features:
1. With a bowl of 7650mm long, while 3344mm as a bowl diameter, GNLW764 is promised to have a large treating capacity in order to be suitable for many applications.
2. Because for the large length diameter ratio, which is up to 4.4 and also a G force at 3000G by high speed rotating, this centrifuge could give a for a perfect separation result, a clearer Liquid phase after treatment.
3. Just as all centrifuge models GN provides, the liquid discharge port is easy to adjust. It helps operator to get a suitable dryness fraction by adjusting rotation speed, differential speed and liquid discharge ports.
4. Stable performance:all rotating part of the centrifuge are fabricated by five-axis machine, and well dynamic balancing tested at high speed to ensure a precise fabrication. Besides, theis model is also functioned with automatic lubrication.
5. Heavy load:GN employs a gearbox with 25000N.M torque for GNLW764-VFD for handling heavy load conditions.
6. Long service life:bowl material is duplex stainless steel SS2304 by centrifugal casting, YG8 hard tiles for impeller protection, and also YG8 material for liquid discharge ports and solids discharge ports. Genuine SKF bearings are used in order to ensure a longer service life.
7. Easy operation:with PLC smart control system,HMI visual operating screen, the operator can observe the on time working condition of the centrifuge. By adding more devices onto the centrifuge like temperature protection for bearings, vibration protection, overload protection and current monitor are all equipped fo this centrifuge, for a more convenient operation.

GN Big Bowl Centrifuge Successfully Used for Railway Construction Project

Centrifuges are equipment with high efficiency and various applications. Centrifuges with different sizes are used for different applications.


Like among the GN Solids Control’s centrifuge models, the fixed speed 14 inch diameter bowl GNLW363 series centrifuges and GNLW452 decanter centrifuge with 18 inch diameter bowl are widely used for the oil and gas drilling solids control systems for the barite recovery. The VFD controlled GNLW363G, GNLW453 and GNLW553 series decanter centrifuges are used for the drilling cuttings waste management when working with a GN high G drying shaker or a GN Vertical cuttings dryer which are respectively for WBM and OBM and drilling fluids treatment projects, when working together with a chemical dosing system. GNLW223 and GNLW224 decanter centrifuges are mostly used for the diamond drilling projects and some projects with small treating capacities.
GNLW764 decanter centrifuge is a newly designed decanter centrifuge with a 30 inch big bowl, and a length bowl ratio as large as 4. It is specially designed for the big TBM projects, working after the shale shaker and desander plant. In some clients’ jobsite, there are 2 parallel desander units, each including one GNZS594 shale shaker and a GNZS594-2S12N mud cleaner. All fluids after treated by the 2 desander unit are transferred to the giant decanter centrifuge. On inlet of decanter centrifuge, there is a set of GNDW2000 Dewatering unit, it is used for chemical dosing for the centrifuge. It has 3 chambers for adding different chemicals for flocculating the extra fine particles into bigger ones, in order to be separated out by the centrifuge. Although after flocculation, the decanter centrifuge’s treating capacity is greatly reduced, GNLW764 could still handle a large capacity upto 90 cbm per hour.
Except for the giant centrifuge, other sections of the system are all designed into 20 ft containers. Even the shaker and mud cleaner are in frames with container corners. It is easy for transportation and layout.
If you need more information, welcome to contact GN Sales team directly.

How and Why to Choose a Suitable Drilling Cuttings Waste Management System for OBM

By using an efficient solution of the drilling cuttings waste management system and treat the solids well, the particles could be dryer and even reach the standards to be discharged, meanwhile, the expensive drilling fluids could be collected and put back to the drilling system.


Ever since year 2013 when GN Solids Control firstly designed and put into reality the GNCD930 series cuttings dryer, GN has designed 2 kinds of drilling cuttings treating system, both combined by following equipment:
1. GNCD930 vertical cuttings dryer. It is like a drying step of a washing machine, by high speed vertical drying, the liquid phase, drilling fluid passes the mesh of the cone sized basket, while the solids phase, the cuttings, fall down to the discharge port. After treatment of GNCD930, the OCC could be less than 5%. And according to different cuttings condition, GN gives 3 optional mesh opening sizes. Clients could prepare all of the three for different conditions.
GNCD930 Vertical cuttings dryers are firstly designed for the OBM and SBM, but per some clients’ feedback, it could be useful for some water based mud, too.

2. After the GNCD930 vertical cuttings dryer, the drilling cuttings are collected while the drilling fluid falls into a container and to be pumped to next step, the GNLW363 series decanter centrifuges. GNLW363 series decanter centrifuges are the super star among GN centrifuge models. In every 10 sets of GN Centrifuges, 7 are GNLW363 decanter centrifuges. It has the medium size and more optional control panels for option. In solids control system, clients always choose fixed speed GNLW363, while in drilling cuttings waste management or drilling fluid treatment project, the VFD model with PLC control panels are more popular. In some none explosive conditions, clients could choose the more economic model, while in some countries and regions when IECEX or ATEX is a must, GN also have those models for option.

3. GNSC series screw conveyors. By providing screw conveyors of different diameters and length, GN has 12 models for option. Clients could choose per the transporting capacity and distance to be transported.