GN High Speed Decanter Centrifuge Used for Waste Water Separation

As more and more GNLW series decanter centrifuges are using in oil and gas drilling and drilling waste management systems, GN Solids Control sometimes are regarded as a professional centrifuge manufacturer, and some clients are using GN centrifuge in other industries as sludge separation, waste water separation and other applications.

GN Decanter Centrifuge
GN Decanter Centrifuge

Comparing with drilling waste management systems, the separation of waste water need the centrifuge to work at a comparably lower differential speed, which is also the speed for conveying the solids phase in the bowl.
Why? Why not a high differential speed?
1. First of all, a high speed for conveying the material may mix the liquid and the solids, and the whole centrifuge would be working as a mud agitator, in this case, the centrifuge is not an efficient separation equipment.
2. Secondly, in order to treat the waste water, the end user need to add some chemical into the material, to change the size or the chemical composition of the waste water. In condition of a high differential speed, the useful chemicals may be discharged together with the liquid at the liquid outlet.
3. Thirdly, when there is chemicals in the material to be treated, and the centrifuge’s differential speed is high, there would be quite much of bubbles and foams. It would give negative affect on the separation result.

GNLW363CG-VFD is an idea choice for the waste water separation projects, because this is the highest standard decanter centrifuge internationally, GN uses best material for the decanter centrifuge bowl as SS2205 which is more strong and more anti-corrosive.
And for the control panel, GN has positive pressurized control panel for easily choose the suitable bowl speed and differential speed. When the aimed bowl speed and differential speed are entered into the PLC control panel, the program will calculate out a suitable back motor speed automatically.
May you need more information, pls contact GN Solids Control.

Mud Recycling Tank system for HDD

we have one overseas customers requiring one sets 500gpm mud recycling tank
system for HDD project. The client is GN old client who made the purchase set
500gpm system three years before. Now, they need much more equipment to support
the forthcoming new projects. Based on the previous mud system, the customers
give request on the specialized parameters

Part 1: Reuse unit:
Same layout being a original unit — shale
, shaker with desnader and desilter, 2x pumps for
cyclone and 1x feed transfer pump
Delete the actual mud hopper
Size of 40ft container with locking gadget for track
Recycle device will be 7. 5m size and rest of the length is drilling to be flat
skid for attach in Generator
Unit should have lifting hooks for motorised hoist
Feed hose entrance through pit and clean mud hose needs to be at the foundation
floor height — device is drilling to be mounting permanent on the right track.
Electrical panels must be elevation quality and have power socket with regard
to pit pump 22kw
Submersible slurry pump , or Pit pump 22kw x 2units
The thickness of the unit with the track folded cannot be more after that 2 .
Total elevation of the unit 3. 20m — so if volume dimensions are changed please
extend the size of the unit from 7. 5m to more.

Part 2: Exit pit shaker along with small tank:
Shale Shaker 500gpm
Mud Tank dimension 3m x 2 . 5m
Max height with shaker mounted 3. 2m
Move pump to push mud one 35 kg/cm3 to eight hundred distance (30-45kw motor)
Electric panel to operate shaker, move pump and to have electrical power and
operation of leave pit.
Lifting with motorised hoist

Part 3: Spare component list:
Shaker screens x 10pc (same as last offer)
Extra vibrator
Electrical extra buttons x 20pc
Extra cyclone desander
Spare cyclone desilter x 2 personal computer
After we have several e-mail communication and several times adjustments on the
drawing. The client is extremely happy with the commercial suggestion &
technical proposal. GN Solids Control is Tiongkok leading manufacturer for HDD
compact mud system along with other solids control equipment including Shale shaker, mud cleaner system ,
desander, desilter, vacuum degasser,
chemical mixing unit, jet shearing unit, mud agitator, bottom mud gun, transfer
pump, decanter centrifuge, vertical G cuttings dryer, could you contact us freely for any

Repeated Order for 500GPM HDD Mud System

the negative affect from the essential oil crash has spread to many market
sectors related including the HDD tasks. But as the leading and popular HDD mud
system supplier, GN
Solids Control
have orders and repeated orders placed from the old clients.
By simply end of last year, GN Solids Control has just provided a high
configuration of mud systems for a HDD undertaking. Now the end user is
actually laying a repeated obtain for the same mud system, in fact it is
scheduled to be ready earlier after Chinese New Year.
Not simply for the oversea market, playing with domestic China, 500GPM mud
recycling system is still the most used option for HDD plans. CPP, the largest
HDD written agreement in China, purchase all-around 10 sets of mud
recycling systems
from GN Solids Control each year, and quite a few of
those are of 500GPM capacity.

Main Equipments with regard to Standard Configuration GNMS five hundred Mud
Shale shaker: GNZS703E-DZ, 1 set
Mud Cleaner: GNZJ703E-D1S8N, 1 established
Mud Cleaner Feeding Pump: GNSB6*5A-37KW, 2 sets, employed respectively for desander cones and
desilter cones
Mixing Hopper: GNSLS35A, 1 placed
Mixing Pump: GNSB6*5A-37KW, one particular set, same specification while mud
cleaner feeding pump.
Mud Agitator: GNJBQ 075D, single layer impeller together with 7. 5KW motor, one
Mud Gun: GNNJQ50A, 2 inch mud gun, 1 set

Besides this particular standard configuration of mud recycling system, GN has
also GNMS-500GL mud recycling system, the main equipment for dealing with are
exactly same, though the storage capacity of GNMS-500GL will be larger.
And for HDD mud recycling systems, GN offers other treating capacity
alternatives for option, like 200GPM and 1000 GPM.
In the case of piling or so called TBM projects, there are simpler treatments
for option. Because intended for piling projects, the drilling media is mostly
water, you don’t need to to add more chemicals with it, and the treating result
is just not so strict.
If you have a lot more questions, contact us freely.

GN Dewatering Unit and  Centrifuge

all the solids control manufacturers in China, GN Solids Control’s decanter
centrifuges are most popular and of larger technology and most advanced
patterns. GN Solids Control carries a wide range of decanter centrifuges which
will cover nearly all the programs needed for oil and gas drilling solids
control systems, drilling
cuttings waste management systems
, drilling liquid waste management methods
and for other drillings because diamond drilling and mining or prospecting.
1 . Per bowl length, GN centrifuges could be split up into big bowl centrifuge
and also normal centrifuges.
The most popular serving diameter is 14 “ diameter bowl, this product is
also GN’s best seller centrifuges. For the same bowl size, GN has 5 options for
consumers to choose from per their circumstances, economic configuration and
substantial configuration, VFD controlled and stuck speed controlled. For VFD
controlled, there are simple VFD controlled and positive pressurised control
panel available. Standard model GNLW363.

And there is baby centrifuge with one motor, only 9 inches diameter bowl, which
is considerably better for mining industry, along with model GNLW223.
Big pan centrifuges cover the types of bowl diameter larger than 17 inch. GN
has 20 inch bowl and twenty two inch bowl sizes intended for options. For 18
” bowl, there are GNLW452 using middle speed and GNLW453 with higher
speed, while the duration diameters are different.
Normally often the bowl diameter determines the particular treating capacities.
2 . for every speed, there are different RMPs available.
For the baby centrifuge, the RPM is 4500. GNLW363 with largest RPM of 3900,
while 20 inch ones, the RPM is 1800 for GNLW452, 2800 for GNLW453 along with
2500 for GNLW553.

For buying a suitable decanter
regarding dewatering among GN centrifuges, 3 points should be
one high speed and larger bowl diameter/ length ratio, for example , GNLW452
has speed of 1800RPM and 2 as span diameter ratio, it is more desirable for
solids control rather than dewatering.
2 . better content, for more anti-wear, GN substantial configuration
centrifuges are much better.
3. VFD control
is preferred for prospects to choose suitable speed each condition.
In most cases, GNLW363CG-VFD is actually chosen as dewatering centrifuge for GN

One More Step, High-Tech Enterprise Awarded

Well for our
partners, the clients who already purchased several times, and still repeating
orders, this is just another certificate. This is not the first day GN keep
investing on a better tech and used in our products, and apply for more and
more  solid liquid separation purpose.

For the potential
ones, you may probabaly checking this post, or going to share this with your
friends, GN is now meaning to do more on some products we investigate, design,
produce by ourselves. The latest largest decision on this is, we decided to manufacture
verticle cuttings dryer by ourselves. Go back to that time, even a cuttings
for mining is not a popular product, and no one have expected a good
future on that. But we know when we care more about the environment, we will
need this. And as it was, early 2015, Chinese government getting more strict on
environmental protection, GN have already sold a lot to international market,
and get good feedbacks, at the same time, others wake up from their

Congratulations on
GN Solids Control! The honor certificate
is issued by the association of provincial Science and Technology Dept.,
Financial Dept. and Tax Bureau. This honor title not only shows the recognition
from government on GN’s consistently R&D to technical achievement, but also
means that from now on GN has stepped into a new fast way of technological

Keep tune with GN,
a developing company who keep investing, and stepping forward. More stunning
news on the way.